My Way of Thinking

Photographers block!

Interestingly enough just trying to write this out is also giving me a case of writers block, so this will be short and simple.

I've been finding myself a bit stuck lately. I love the work I do with people in my portrait sittings, but everything else has fallen by the wayside of late and I've been finding it hard to feel inspired. It's a big wide world out there and yet I feel like I have taken a photograph of literally everything at some point or another. Of course, this isn't the case, but whereas I used to be able to conjure up something amazing out of nothing, when I am taking everyday, still life, scenic or other type of photograph, everything is seeming bland and boring and it feels like I can't remember how to find the art in the ordinary.

Not one to sit around waiting for inspiration to hit, I've decided to go out and find it again. Force my brain to look for something interesting and get back to doing what I love most with a bit more enthusiasm than I have had lately. That's where Project52 comes in.

It's something I've heard about in passing and never paid much mind to, but on my quest to defeat my photographers block it is something that is coming up again and again. It seems that I am one of many who has suffered from the same thing at one point or another. Now, it seems a lot of people do this for fun and they do it from January onwards. It's March now so I sort of missed that train, but I figure it's never too late to give it a go and so this is where I get on.

Every Sunday for the next 52 weeks I am going to post a picture to this blog. Each picture will follow a 'theme of the week' and to make sure I am fully stretching those photographic muscles and not making it any easier on myself, I have found a list of 52 themes to follow online. I will use the week to come up with something that fits the theme and share it here.

I've never blogged before. I don't know how these things spread or become popular or even if I will spend the next 52 weeks talking to myself, but I guess that's the nature of the game. I'd love for people to view and comment and be constructive and if I can inspire anyone along the way that'd be awesome.

So welcome, say hi, share with your friends, check this place out each week and I will see you at the other end.

Not so short after all!

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