Sunday 16 March 2014

Project52.1 - Resolution

I've got a terrible habit of over analysing everything and this weeks project was no different. Admittedly I gave myself about 16 hours to plan everything and get it shot and uploaded, so this week was pretty rushed, but I saw the word resolution and went into overdrive. My mind automatically got technical and I started working out how I was going to convey an image resolution in a picture. Every picture has resolution of some sort so how the hell do I make it the focus of the image without making the subject stand out? Then it hit me (after about 8 hours of trying to think of something) that once again I was over-analysing and being too technical.

Project52 is traditionally started in January and January is the month where the word 'resolution' is thrown around the most. It was so obvious I didn't even see it. I may not be fast at working these things out, but I do get there in the end and when I started to think along the simpler lines I started to come up with clearer ideas of where to go with this weeks image.

I want to make every picture in this project, no matter how good, bad, strange or random they are, personal to me in some way and that is where I started with this shot. Every single year I hear people talk about resolutions they plan to make. Lose weight, get rich, quit smoking etc. My Facebook news feed on January 1st was filled with people pledging to make this year 'my year' and promising to chuck out their bad habits and turn their fortunes around. I didn't make any resolutions. At the risk of sounding preachy, I don't think people should wait for an event like New Year to make those changes in their lives. I always try to be positive. If something is going wrong or bringing me down, I try my best to turn it around. I think sometimes people focus so much on the things that bring them down or need changing that they forget to focus on the things that make them happy. That is sort of what I was trying to highlight with this shot. Did it work? Hopefully. The great thing about art is that you can take from it whatever you want and hopefully it will mean something to someone else out there, too.


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