52 weeks.
52 themes.
52 pictures.
That's my goal. I'm starting in March as apposed to January because I'm crazy like that and I've got a wicked case of photographers block now that wasn't there in the new year. Besides, who knows, I might even learn a thing or two along the way which can't hurt and it's always fun to have a project on the go. There's more details on one of the pages over on the side there >>>>
If you like what I am doing (assuming anyone is reading this) then please let me know. I suck at taking criticism but I guess if you have something constructively negative to say then I'd like to hear that too. Please be careful of my ego though. If you like an image enough to share it out, please say where it came from and if you are feeling super epic, follow my Facebook page too, a link to that is also over there >>>>
Anyway, on with the show. Image 1 is going up tomorrow. This weeks theme: Resolution.
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